A Hearty Pot For Blain

Jan 7, 2012

Dermot Blain
(Photo: Dermot Blain)

Tim Farrelly raises to 22,000 in middle position and Dermot Blain makes the call in the cutoff. The flop is a rosy red looking [Kh] [Qh] [2h] and Farrelly bets 27,000 and after a peek at his cards Blain makes the call. The turn is the [Jd] and Farrelly checks to Blain who bets 44,000 and Farrelly folds.

Table 2

Seat 1: Dermot Blain ~ 310,000
Seat 2: Steve Watts ~ 145,000
Seat 3: Robert Bruil ~ 285,000
Seat 4: Stuart Fox ~ 540,000
Seat 5: Ken Doherty ~ 540,000
Seat 6: Steve Moreau ~ 140,000
Seat 7: Jan Larsen ~ 320,000
Seat 8: Tim Farrelly ~ 200,000
Seat 9: Ross Boatman ~ 230,000

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