7-2 Cracks A-A, But It Hardly Matters; Jebavy Quadruples as Java Wins a Huge Pot to Reach 6.6 Million; Glantz Out 20th; Morris Out 21st

Jul 5, 2017

Nipun Java
Photo:  Nipun Java lost a tiny main pot of 130K but won two huge side pots worth more than 4.7 million.

Note:  Due to an on-site mishap involving a railbird, a beer, and a reporter’s laptop, this hand that took place with 21 players remaining will be posted out of order. We apologize for the delay.

After being knocked down to just 25,000 in the previous hand, Lukas Jebavy is forced all in from the small blind for 15,000. James Morris moves all in UTG+1 for about 550,000, Matt Glantz moves all in over the top from the button for about 2,100,000, and Nipun Java calls from the big blind, covering everybody.

Here are their cards in descending order of chip counts:

Nipun Java:  Spade AClub A
Matt Glantz:  Spade JHeart J
James Morris:  Club QSpade 9
Lukas Jebavy:  Club 7Spade 2

It’s almost poetic that Jebavy is forced to take seven-deuce into battle against pocket aces. It’s more poetic because of what’s about to happen.

The board comes Spade 3Heart 2Diamond 2Heart 3Club 9 — Jebavy flops trip deuces and turns a full house to win the main pot and more than quadruple his chip stack to 130,000.

But the real action is in the two much larger side pots, and Java wins them both with his pocket aces to eliminate Morris in 21st place and Glantz in 20th place.

Lukas Jebavy  –  130,000  (2 bb)
Nipun Java  –  6,600,000  (83 bb)
Matt Glantz  –  Eliminated in 20th Place  ($8,200)
James Morris –  Eliminated in 21st Place  ($8,200)

Photos, from left to right:  Lukas Jebavy, Matt Glantz, James Morris
Lukas Jebavy Matt Glantz James Morris

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