6-Max Shootout B: Robert Kaggerud (Norway) Doubles Thru GACKT (Japan)

Sep 20, 2018

Robert Kaggerud - Team Norway
Photo:  Robert Kaggerud (Team Norway)

With eight players remaining in Shootout B (the final seven make the final table), Robert Kaggerud (Team Norway) gets it all in from the big blind for about 8,000 with Heart AClub A, and he needs his hand to hold to stay alive against the Club KSpade 9 of GACKT (Team Japan) in the small blind.

The board comes Spade QDiamond 5Diamond 4Heart 10Spade K — GACKT turns a gutshot straight draw, but improves no further. Kaggerud wins the pot with his pocket aces to double up in chips.

Robert Kaggerud (Norway)  –  17,000  (21 bb)
GACKT (Japan)  –  18,500  (23 bb)

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