Lauren Kling vs. Michael Woo

Feb 27, 2010

With the board showing [6c5c2c8d] on the turn and about 16,000 already in the pot, Lauren Kling checks the small blind, and Michael Woo bets 17,000 from under the gun. Kling tanks for more than a minute before she calls.

The river card is the [Qd], Kling checks, Woo bets 15,000, and Kling quickly calls. Woo asks if Kling hit the queen, but she turns over [AcAh] for an overpair with the missed ace-high flush draw. Woo reacts with frustration before showing [KcKh]. 

Lauren Kling wins the pot and builds her stack to about 91,000 in chips.

Lauren Kling  –  91,000
Michael Woo  –  16,000

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