Hands #78-80: Olivier Busquet Doubles Through Michael Brown

Sep 23, 2009

Hand #78  –  Jeremy Brown raises from the small blind to an unknown amount, winning the blinds and antes. 

Hand #79  –  Keith Crowder raises from the cutoff to an unknown amount, winning the blinds and antes. 

Hand #80  –  Michael Brown raises from middle position to 320,000, and Olivier Busquet calls from the button. The flop comes [Jh4h2d], Brown bets 500,000, and Busquet calls. The turn card pairs the board with the [Jc], Brown bets 1 million, and Busquet calls. 

The river card is the [3s], Brown checks, Busquet moves all in for about 2.76 million, and Brown immediately calls with [6c6s] for two pair, jacks and sixes. But Olivier Busquet shows [AhJs] to win the pot with trip jacks. 

We don’t have chip counts from after that hand, but here’s how they both looked a few hands later: 

Olivier Busquet  –  9.2 million
Michael Brown  –  800,000

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