Hand #45: Frank Calo Wins a Pot Worth 767,000

Mar 24, 2010

Frank Calo raises from the button to 62,000, and Carlos Mortensen calls from the big blind. The flop comes [KhKc8c], Mortensen bets 82,000, and Mustafa calls. Mortensen checks in the dark.

The turn card is the [3c], and Calo thinks for a bit before he checks behind. The river card is the [Jd], Mortensen bets 235,000, and Calo thinks for nearly two minutes before he calls.

Mortensen says, "Ace high," and Calo shows [KdQc] to win the pot with trip kings. Mortensen mucks.

Pot Size:  767,000

Seat 1. Mike Mustafa – 1,468,000
Seat 3. Carlos Mortensen – 984,000
Seat 6. Frank Calo – 1,868,000

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