Hand #54: Carlos Mortensen Wins a Pot Worth 664,000

Mar 24, 2010

Frank Calo raises from the button to 75,000, Carlos Mortensen reraises from the big blind to 160,000, and Calo calls. The flop comes [Ks7h5h], Mortensen bets 160,000, and Calo thinks for 30 seconds before he calls. The turn card is the [4d], and both players check.

The river card is the [Ac], and they check again. Mortensen shows [As10s] for a pair of aces, and Calo mucks. Mortensen takes the pot.

After the hand, Calo says something, and Mortensen replies, "I liked it preflop, and I liked the river." Calo says, "Oh, so you didn’t like the flop?" Then, after another few seconds, Calo says, "As soon as you checked the river, I knew you hit the ace."

Pot Size: 664,000

Seat 1. Mike Mustafa – 1,360,000
Seat 3. Carlos Mortensen – 1,458,000
Seat 6. Frank Calo – 1,502,000

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