Hand #69: Todd Terry Busts the TV Bubble in 7th ($72,349)

Mar 23, 2010

Hand #69  –  Frank Calo raises from the button to 45,000, Todd Terry moves all in from the small blind for 292,000, and Calo calls with [AdJh]. Terry shows [KcQd], and he’ll need to improve to stay alive. 

The board comes [Js7s4c8d2h], and Calo wins the pot with a pair of jacks to eliminate Todd Terry on the bubble of the televised WPT Final Table in seventh place. 

Frank Calo  –  1,075,000
Todd Terry  –  Out in 7th Place ($72,349)

The final six players are verifying their official chip counts and filling out their WPT bio sheets before sitting down for a pre-final table interview with our own Jacque Williams. Stay tuned for official chip counts and Jacque’s interviews, which will be posted soon.

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