Andy Bloch Eliminated

Oct 24, 2009

Andy Bloch raises to 32,000 from the cutoff and Jason Burt reraises out of the small blind.  Bloch moves all-in and Burt calls, showing [Th][Ts].  Bloch has [As][Qd], which pairs up after the flop falls [Qh][5s][2c].  The [Ks] on the turn changes nothing, but the [Tc] on the river makes Burt a set of tens and eliminates Andy Bloch.

Jason Burt – 970,000
Andy Bloch – eliminated

As Bloch is gathering his things to leave, Vivek Rajkumar turns to Jason Somerville and tells him he had K-10, so Burt just hit a one outer.

Rajkumar then tries to get Bloch’s attention to fill him in on his misfortune.

"Vivek," Somerville says, cutting him off.  "Why would you do that?"  Somerville’s words convince Rajkumar to find a better time to fill Bloch in on just how many outs he had and Bloch makes his exit as we draw closer to the money bubble.

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