Hand #43: Steve Barshak Eliminated in 7th Place ($44,315)

Apr 12, 2011

2866 William Reynolds Eliminates Mike Barshak
Photo: William Reynolds (standing, left) celebrates as his pocket queens hold up in a race against the A-K of Mike Barshak (center).

Hand #43 – Steve Barshak raises to 12,000 from under the gun and it folds around to chip leader William Reynolds in the big blind.  Reynolds raises, making it 38,000 to play.  Barshak fires back, raising to 92,000.

Reynolds doesn’t back down and five-bets to 180,000.  Barshak then six-bets all-in for around 425,000 total.  Reynolds calls and we have the biggest pot of the tournament.

Reynolds turns over [QsQd] and Barshak reveals [AcKs].  It’s a classic race.

The [JsJc5d] flop was a good one for Reynolds and the [10d] on the turn is no help to Barshak either.  The river [Qh] gives Barshak a Broadway straight, but it also gives Reynolds a full house and the seven-figure pot.  He will be a big chip leader when play begins at tomorrow’s final table.

"The ladies are treating me well," Reynolds tells the table.  "The Royal Flush Girls are representing the ladies well too," he adds, gesturing behind him to the girls watching the action.

Barshak is eliminated in seventh place and the final six players start bagging and tagging chips and filling out bio sheets in preparation for tomorrow’s televised final table.

ClubWPT.com qualifier Andy Whetstone is the first to congratulate Reynolds on the pot, telling him, "Thank you, Bill.  My fifteen minutes of fame turned into four days."

William Reynolds – 1,300,000
Steve Barshak – eliminated 7th place ($44,315)

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