Jack McClelland Eliminated By Michael Scarborough

Apr 10, 2011

Michael Scarborough raises to 1,500 from middle position, Jack McClelland calls in late position, ClubWPT.com qualifier Andy Whetstone calls out of the small blind, and the big blind calls as well.

The flop comes down [7s6c5s] and Whetstone bets out 5,000.  The big blind folds and Scarborough raises to 15,000 total.  McClelland thinks for a minute or so, then moves all-in for 20,600 total.

Whetstone calls and Scarborough asks if he can reraise.  The dealer tells him he can’t, so Scarborough calls.  The turn is the [Kd] and Whetstone checks.  Scarborough moves all-in and Whetstone doesn’t take too long to fold.

Scarborough shows [8c9c] for a flopped straight.  McClelland shows [7d7h] for a set of sevens and is looking for the board to pair.  The river [9d] is no help to the Bellagio tournament director though and he is eliminated, while Scarborough takes the pot.

After the hand, Scarborough asks Whetstone if he had a flush draw.  Whetstone shakes his head and tells him, "No, I had two tens."

Michael Scarborough – 110,000
Andy Whetstone – 88,000
Jack McClelland – eliminated

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