Photos From the Start of Play

Apr 9, 2011

0010 Mike Sexton Bet
While waiting for play to begin, Vince Van Patten proposed a prop bet, laying odds that Mike Sexton couldn’t jump over the rail. Sexton, who used to be a gymnast, said, "Why couldn’t he have bet this 20 years ago?" Not willing to make an attempt without a mat to land on, Sexton reverses strategy and limboes the rail.

0042 Shuffle Up and Deal
Mike Sexton gives the official "Shuffle up and deal" announcement to kick off the day. From left to right: Royal Flush Girls Michelle Banzer and Jennifer Haley, Tournament Director Kevin Dawn, Mike Sexton, Vince Van Patten, and Royal Flush Girls Katrina Topacio and Melanie Iglesias.

0065 Jack McClelland
Jack McClelland, the Bellagio Tournament Director who has announced dozens of WPT final tables, takes a shot at making a final table the hard way.

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