Roger Teska Seizes Big Chip Lead with Massive Double Knockout

Mar 15, 2011

6053 Roger Teska Wins 3-Way Pot Worth 234K
Tyson Marks, Ty Reiman, and Roger Teska see a flop of [Jd3s2d] and Marks bets out.  Reiman calls and Teska raises.  Marks doesn’t back down and moves all-in.  Reiman than reraises all-in for around 140,000, having both Marks and Teska covered.

Teska had about 100,000 heading into the flop and calls with [2h2c] for bottom set.  Marks is the shortest of the three stacks and has [Qd8d] for a diamond flush draw.  Reiman has him drawing slim though, as he holds [Ad5d] for the nut flush draw and a gutshot.

The [Kc] on the turn is no help to Reiman or Marks and the [Jh] on the river fills Teska up to give him the entire pot, not to mention eliminate Marks.

With that, Teska leaps to a huge chip lead with 234,000 chips.  

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