Bobby Keller Eliminated in 13th Place ($22,840)

Jan 26, 2011

Ryan Hughes raises to 12,000 from middle position, Patrick Mahoney calls out of the small blind, and Bobby Keller defends out of the big blind.

The flop comes down [7d6c5d] and action checks to Hughes, who bets 20,000.  Mahoney calls and Keller moves all-in for 370,000.  Hughes takes about twenty seconds before calling and Mahoney takes a moment before mucking his hand.

Keller shows [5s10s] for bottom pair and Hughes turns over [Kd9d] for overs, a flush draw, and a gutshot straight draw.  The turn brings the [6d], making Hughes’ flush, and the [7c] on the river gives him the pot and eliminates Keller.

After Keller wishes the table luck and heads out to get paid, Mahoney admits he was thinking about calling with a pair of sixes.  Mahoney’s friend Leif Force glances over from the other table and asks what happened.  

"I would have made a full house," Mahoney tells him.  "But he called first."

Ryan Hughes – 1,680,000 (280 BBs)
Bobby Keller – Out in 13th place ($22,840)

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