Mark Rose Eliminated in 18th Place ($20,854)

Jan 26, 2011

Alexander Kuzmin raises under the gun to 15,000, and Mark Rose calls from the button, leaving himself just 45,000 behind.

Both players check to the turn on a board of [Kd4h3sJs], Kuzmin bets 18,000, and Rose folds [AhQh] face up. Kuzmin takes the pot, as Rose talks a bit about why he played the hand that way. "Technically, I’m supposed to jam there, but …"

Mark Rose  –  45,000  (7 BBs)

Two hands later, former WPT Southern Poker Champion Allen Carter raises from middle position to 15,000, and Rose moves all in from late position for 43,000. Carter calls with [7c7s], but Rose is a big favorite with [9d9s].

The flop comes [7d6d6h], and Carter flops a full house to take a huge lead. Rose says, "One time," hoping to catch a nine. Carter says, "Go ahead dealer, give him the one time. I won’t mind." Carter actually seems sincere when he says it. (Though a loss here wouldn’t damage his stack too much.)

The final board shows [7d6d6hQs3s], and Carter wins the pot with his full house to eliminate Mark Rose in 18th place.

Allen Carter  –  573,000
Mark Rose  –  Out in 18th Place ($20,854)

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