Luke Staudenmaier Eliminated in 27th Place ($18,868)

Jan 25, 2011

Allen Carter raises to 12,500 from early position and Ryan Hughes reraises from late position.  Luke Staudenmaier moves all-in for an additional 120,000, and Carter reraises all-in for his last 200,000.  Hughes fold and the players turn up their cards.

Carter holds [AcQd] and is racing with Staudenmaier’s [7c7d].  The flop falls [Js10c9s], giving Carter a flush draw.  The [8s] on the turn completes Carter’s straight and leaves Staudenmaier drawing dead to a chop.

The river is the [Kd], giving Carter Broadway and the pot.  Staudenmaier is eliminated in 27th place.

Allen Carter – 365,000 (73 BBs)
Luke Staudenmaier – eliminated in 27th place ($18,868)

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