Martin Zenter vs. Patrick Mahoney

Jan 25, 2011

After 40 minutes on the money bubble, Patrick Mahoney min-raises from early position to 8,000, Martin Zentner moves all in from the small blind for 128,000, and Mahoney tanks.

Mahoney asks Zentner if he plays online, and Zentner says nothing. Mahoney asks, "Do you have an online screenname?" Zentner smiles, but still says nothing.

Mahoney asks how much the bet is, and the dealer counts it out. Mahoney says, "What do you want me to do, call or fold? I’ll do whatever you want me to do. Maybe." A few players laugh.

After another minute, Zentner says, "I’ll show you either way, call or fold." A few moments later, Mahoney folds, and Zentner shows [AsKd]. Mahoney slaps the table and says, "Damn it!"

Zentner says, "Do you really want a race there?" Mahoney replies, "At this stage of the tournament? Hell yeah I want a race there." Mahoney tells the table he had pocket eights.

As he’s stacking his chips, Zentner says his online name is "ZCASHMONEY." Mahoney says he doesn’t recognize the name, and Zentner says he only plays three days a week or so. But then Zentner says that they have played against each other a few times, but offers no further details.

Martin Zentner  –  143,500  (35 BBs)
Patrick Mahoney  –  320,000  (80 BBs)

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