Hand #15: Bruce Snell Eliminated in 10th Place ($43,646)

May 1, 2011

7353 Bruce Snell Eliminated by Allen Bari
Photo: Bruce Snell (standing, left) shakes hands with Tommy Vedes after his elimination in 10th place. Allen Bari (seated, center) stacks his chips from the pot.

Hand #15 – Tommy Vedes raises to 45,000 on the button and Bruce Snell moves all-in from the small blind for his last 600,000 or so.  Allen Bari is in the big blind and moves all-in for around 1.5 million.  Vedes folds.

Bari turns over [KhKc] and Snell is behind with [AhJh].  The [Kd5h5s] flop leaves Snell drawing to runners and he is dead with the [8c] on the turn.  The river is an inconsequential [8d] and Bari takes the pot while Snell is eliminated in tenth place.

Allen Bari – 2,150,000 (108 BBs)
Bruce Snell – eliminated in 10th place ($43,646)

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