John Dobson Doubles Thru Raj Vohra

Apr 30, 2011

Raj Vohra raises under the gun to 12,500, John Dobson moves all in from the small blind for 132,000, and Vohra thinks for a bit before he calls. Dobson asks, "Do you have ace-king?" Vohra turns over [7c7d], and Dobson shows [QcQd]. 

Even though Dobson is a big favorite here, he says, "Why did you call me, Raj? I didn’t want you to call me." 

The board comes [Js10s6s9cAd], and the pocket queens hold up to win the pot for Dobson, who doubles up. 

John Dobson  –  260,000  (52 BBs)
Raj Vohra  –  297,000  (59 BBs)

After the hand, Vohra refers to the three spades on the flop and asks, "You would’ve sweated it if I had the seven of spades, right?" Dobson, who was serious when he said he didn’t want Vohra to call with an inferior hand, says, "Trust me, I was sweating the two-outer."

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