Runner-Runner Quads Save Coulombe

Mar 29, 2014

A roar went up from Table 54, and we rushed over to see what the commotion was about.

All in and at risk with [8c][8h], Claude Coulombe needed his pair to hold against the [Ac][Kd] of Nuno Vieira. The flop then came an eye-popping A-K-K, giving Vieira kings full of aces and all but locking up the hand.

Then came the turn.. the [8s]. Then the river… the [8d]! Runner-runner quads for Coulombe, and thus good reason for the reaction.

Vieira walked away from the table after the river card hit, then came back to his seat in time for the next hand shaking his head though in admirably good spirits. "That’s the worst beat I’ve ever had," he said.

A few moments later, a couple of players chimed in with a response.

"I’ve had worse."

Claude Coulombe – 15,500 (31 bb)
Nuno Vieira – 16,000 (32 bb)

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