An interesting hand just played out at Gavin Smith’s table. It begins with Smith raising the minimum to 600 from early position, then watching as the next three players in line — including Mathieu Boucher and Yannick Labattaglia — all call.

"Boo," says Smith with a grin as his number of opponents in the hand increases. "You guys suck!" Others grin back as both blinds come along as well to create a six-way hand.

The flop comes [6d][5c][3h]. It checks to Smith who bets 2,200 and both Boucher and Labattaglia call, as does the big blind. The turn then brings the [4s] to coordinate the board even further, and this time it checks around to Labattaglia who bets 4,700.

The big blind and Smith both fold, then Boucher pushes all in for a little over 15,000. Labattaglia tanks for nearly two minutes before finally folding, and Boucher shows one card — the [As] — before scooping the pot.

Mathieu Boucher – 35,000 (117 bb)
Yannick Labattaglia – 45,000 (150 bb)
Gavin Smith – 26,000 (87 bb) 

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