Hand #79: Pierre Guenette Out in 7th Place (CAD $29,933)

Mar 31, 2014

Hand #79  –  Pierre Guenette (pictured above) moves all in from the cutoff for 1,465,000, and Jason Comtois calls from the small blind with [AsJh]. Guenette turns over [Ac8h], and he needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes [9s9c5c10dQc], and Comtois wins the pot with his jack kicker to eliminate Guenette in seventh place.

Jason Comtois  –  ~4.7 million  (31 bb)
Pierre Guenette  –  Out in 7th Place  (CAD $29,933)

The final six players are now verifying their chip counts and getting instructions for tomorrow’s final table, which will be live streamed on WPT.com with hole cards and expert commentary from WPT Raw Deal Analyst Tony Dunst.

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