Johnny Mazzaferro Doubles Thru Daniel Gagne

Mar 31, 2014

Johnny Mazzaferro open-raises all in from the cutoff seat for 1,265,000 and it folds to Mario Lim in the small blind. "All in?" he asks Mazzaferro who nods, then Lim folds. But Daniel Gagne quickly calls from the big blind, and suddenly Mazzaferro is at risk.

Mazzaferro has [6c][6s] and stands as he sees Gagne table [Jh][Jc]. Then comes the flop… [10h][7h][6h]! A set for Mazzaferro, but Gagne now has a flush draw. The turn is the [3s] and river the [9c], and Mazzaferro survives.

Johnny Mazzaferro – 2,800,000 (28 bb)
Daniel Gagne – 6,820,000 (68 bb) 

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