Johnny Mazzaferro Shoves the Turn vs. Alexander Wong

Mar 31, 2014

Alexander Wong min-raises under the gun to 160,000, Daniel Gagne calls from the button, and Johnny Mazzaferro (pictured above) calls from the big blind.

The flop comes [9h8d4h], Mazzaferro bets 250,000, and Wong raises to 580,000. Gagne folds, and Mazzaferro calls.

The turn card is the [Jc], and Mazzaferro moves all in for about 1.3 million. Wong folds, and Mazzaferro takes the pot.

Johnny Mazzaferro  –  3,050,000  (38 bb)
Alexander Wong  –  3,300,000  (41 bb)

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