Osman Soubra Out in 19th Place (CAD $8,268)

Mar 31, 2014

Daniel Gagne opens for 130,000 from middle position and it folds to Osman Soubra who pushes his short stack of 355,000 all in for a reraise from the button. The blinds fold and Gagne calls. Soubra opens up [Ks][Jh] and sees he’ll need help to outrun Gagne’s [Ad][8d].

The community cards come [7c][4d][2s][2c][6c], and Soubra is out while Gagne adds more to his big stack.

Daniel Gagne – 3,280,000 (66 bb)
Osman Soubra – Out in 19th Place (CAD $8,268) 

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