Maxime Theroux Out in 16th Place (CAD $9,210)

Mar 31, 2014

Mario Lim raises to 325,000 from early position and the table folds around to Maxime Theroux in the big blind who shoves all in for his last 975,000 or so. Lim calls, turning over [Jd][Js] while Theroux has [Ad][Kh].

The board rolls out 10-high — [6h][3h][3d][10h][4c] — no help for Theroux who is out in 16th. Meanwhile Lim is now up over 4 million.

Mario Lim – 4,280,000 (71 bb)
Maxime Theroux – Out in 16th Place (CAD $9,210) 

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