Russell Rosenblum Gets Respect From David Steicke

May 22, 2012

David Steicke raises from the button to 12,000, Russell Rosenblum reraises from the small blind to 31,000, and Steicke calls.

The flop comes [Jd7c6d], Rosenblum bets 45,000, and Steicke calls. The turn card is the [3d], and Rosenblum bets 65,000. Steicke thinks for a while before he says, "All right, you win." Steicke shows one card — the [Js] (top pair) — before he folds. Rosenblum takes the pot.

Russell Rosenblum  –  310,000  (62 BBs)
David Steicke  –  565,000  (113 BBs)

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