Dave Shallow Eliminated By Miha Travnik

May 21, 2012

Season X WPT Ireland Champ Dave Shallow raises to 3,800 from under the gun and Season X WPT Slovenia Champ Miha Travnik reraises to 14,000 out of the small blind.  Shallow calls.

The flop comes [AsJh9s], Travnik bets, and Shallow calls. The turn brings the [3s] and Travnik bets aain, this time firing 25,000. Shallow calls again.

The river is the [Ah] and Travnik moves all-in, having Shallow’s remaining 50,000 covered by 20,000 or so. Shallow calls and Travnik shows [As9d] for aces full of nines.

Shallow mucks, wishes the table luck, and heads for the exit.

Miha Travnik – 285,000
Dave Shallow – eliminated

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