Jeremy McLaughlin Loses Chips As He Saves Some For Brandon Barnes

Apr 28, 2012

Danny Shiff raises from middle position to 225, Jeremy McLaughlin calls from middle position, and Brandon Barnes acts out of turn by calling from the small blind. The button raises to about 800.

A floorperson is called over, and the initial ruling is that action out of turn is binding, until McLaughlin points out that the button’s raise happened after Barnes had called out of turn. Since the action has changed, Barnes has the normal range of options available — fold, call, or raise. Barnes decides to fold, leaving just the 50 for the big blind in the pot.

Shiff and McLaughlin both call, and the flop comes [As8s7h]. Shiff and McLaughlin check, and the button bets 1,200. Shiff folds, and McLaughlin calls. The turn card is the [3c], McLaughlin checks, the button bets 2,500, and McLaughlin calls.

The river card is the [5h], McLaughlin checks, the button bets 5,000, and McLaughlin thinks for a while before he folds. The button takes the pot.

Danny Shiff  –  34,000
Brandon Barnes  –  35,000
Jeremy McLaughlin  –  23,200

Barnes is one of four under-21 players in the field, in contention for the customized surfboard that is a bonus prize for whichever 18-20 year old survives the longest in this tournament.

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