James Dempsey Has a Goal

Apr 27, 2012

0309 Phil Collins vs James Dempsey
Photo: The WPT TV camera captures the action as Phil Collins (left) checks the river and waits for James Dempsey (right) to act.

James Dempsey set a goal for himself this tournament. He wants to win ClubWPT Player of the Day. He is inquring with the WPT staff what it takes to earn such an honor. He learns it usually requires ending the day near the top of the counts, but he also hears about how a crazy hand or a really big bluff can earn the honor too.

That thought is fresh on his mind when a player raises to 425 from early position and Phil Collins calls in the cutoff. Dempsey is on the button and raises to 1,425 total. The initial raiser folds and Collins calls.

"This could be the hand," Dempsey says, referring to his Player of the Day chances.

The flop comes [Kd10h4d] and Collins checks. Dempsey bets 2,200 and Collins calls. The turn is the [4s] and Collins checks a second time. Dempsey bets 3,800 and Collins calls.

The river is the [Jh] and Collins checks a third time. Dempsey assembles a large stack of chips, then bets 9,300. Collins thinks for over a minute, then calls, leaving himself with 16,000 behind.

Dempsey shows [AhAc] for aces up. Collins checks his cards a couple of times, then mucks.

"I guess this isn’t the hand," Dempsey says, again seemingly more concerned with Player of the Day than the pot.

Collins, meanwhile, has something else on his mind. "I wonder if I call if it is not a rebuy," he muses to the table.

James Dempsey  –  68,000
Phil Collins  –  16,000

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