Glenn Fishbein Doubles Thru B.J. McBrayer

Apr 29, 2012

Glenn Fishbein (one of the under-21 year olds in the field) raises from the button to 4,500, B.J. McBrayer reraises from the big blind to 11,100, and Fishbein moves all in. 

McBrayer calls with [KcKd], a big favorite over Fishbein’s [10d9h].

The flop comes [7c7h6h], and Fishbein flops a gutshot straight draw. He says, "Eight-ball, one time!"

The turn card is — the [8d]. Fishbein takes the lead with a ten-high straight, and McBrayer needs a king or a seven on the river to win the pot.

The river card is the [10c], and Glenn Fishbein doubles up.

Glenn Fishbein  –  120,000
B.J. McBrayer  –  43,000

Somebody calls it a sick bad beat, but then it’s pointed out that Fishbein did use his one-time.

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