Hands #81-83: Sharon Levin vs. Tommy Vedes

Apr 22, 2012

2649 Tommy Vedes vs Sharon Levin
Photo: In Hand #82, Jess Yawitz (center) watches as Tommy Vedes (left) and Sharon Levin (right) stare each other down.

Hand #81  –  Joe Serock raises from the cutoff to 50,000, and Jess Yawitz calls from the big blind. The flop comes [Ac7h2c], Yawitz checks, Serock bets 35,000, and Yawitz folds. Serock takes the pot.

Hand #82  –  Tommy Vedes raises from the button to 52,000, and Sharon Levin calls from the big blind. The flop comes [Qs8c3c], Levin checks, Vedes bets 54,000, and Levin calls.

The turn card is the [As], Levin checks, Vedes bets 133,000, and Levin calls. The river card is the [5d], and both players check. Levin shows [QdJd] to win the pot with a pair of queens, and Vedes mucks.

Sharon Levin  –  1,320,000  (55 BBs)
Tommy Vedes  –  520,000  (21 BBs)

Hand #83  –  Joe Serock raises from middle position to 54,000, and Kyle Bowker calls from the big blind. Both players check to the turn on a board of [5d4d2h8h], Bowker checks, Serock bets 85,000, and Bowker calls.

The river card is the [6c], Bowker checks, Serock bets 180,000, and Bowker calls. Serock shows [7h4h] to win the pot, and Bowker mucks.

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