Hand #18: David Paredes Doubles Thru Sharon Levin

Apr 22, 2012

2556 David Paredes Doubles Thru Sharon Levin
Hand #18 – David Paredes (standing, left) is under the gun and moves all-in for 93,000. Sharon Levin (center) is next to act and calls. Everyone else folds.

Paredes turns over [As10s] and Levin has him outkicked iwth [AdQh]. The [AcKdJs] flop gives both players a gutshot. The [7c] on the turn changes nothing, but the [Qs] on the river completes Paredes’ straight draw to give him the pot and the double up.

David Paredes  –  220,000  (11 BBs)
Sharon Levin  –  1,345,000  (67 BBs)

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