Scott Zakheim Doubles Thru's Butch Valure

Apr 21, 2012

Scott Zakheim is under the gun and moves all-in for his last 108,000.’s Butch Valure is in middle position and calls. Everyone else folds.

Zakheim turns over [QsJs] and he is in bad shape against Valure’s [JhJc].  The [Ah10s8d] flop gives Zakheim a few additional outs with a gutshot and the [Qd] on the turn gives him the advnatage in the hand. The river is the [5h] and Zakheim’s pair of queens hold to give him the pot and the double up.

Scott Zakheim – 220,000 (37 BBs)
Butch Valure – 370,000 (62 BBs)

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