Nicholas Dileo Eliminated in 41st Place ($23,720)

Feb 27, 2012

Tyson Marks raises from under the gun and Nicholas Dileo defends from the big blind.

The flop comes [Ad10d6s] and Dileo checks.  Marks bets 16,000 and Dileo calls.  

The turn is the [3s] and Dileo thinks a bit before announcing he is all-in for around 95,000.  Marks takes less than ten seconds to call with [AhKd] for top pair.  Dileo is not happy to get a call and turns over [7s10s] for second pair with a spade draw.

The [8h] on the river is no help to Dileo and he is eliminated.

Tyson Marks – 325,000 (41 BBs)
Nicholas Dileo – eliminated in 41st place ($23,720) 

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