Tony Hachem Eliminated

Feb 26, 2012

Tony Hachem got off to a rough start today and was eliminated from the tournament shortly into Level 12.

After being dealt pocket aces several times this afternoon and having them all cracked, Hachem found himself on the short stack with [7c6c] and opened for a raise from under the gun with two callers. 

The flop came A-10-8 (rainbow), Seat 7 bets 4,000, Seat 4 calls, Hachem raises to 11,000 and both of his opponents call.

The turn is the [6s], and all three players check.

The river is the [3c], and Hachem moves all in. Seat 4 folds and after nearly five minutes in the tank, Seat 7 calls with A-K. Seat 7 rakes the pot and Tony Hachem is eliminated from the tournament.

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