Taylor Von Kriegenbergh Eliminated By Barry Woods

Feb 25, 2012

A player moves all-in from early position, Barry Woods moves all-in behind him and action folds around to WPT Champions Club member Taylor von Kriegenbergh in the blinds.

"Pretty good time for me to triple up," von Kriegenbergh tells teh table.  He looks at his cards, then calls all-in for around 17,000.  Woods has both von Kriegenbergh and the other player covered.  Here is what each player held:

Woods: [QhQc]
von Kriegenbergh: [AdKc]
Player 3: [AsKs]

Even though the other player with ace-king is suited, tablemate and friend of von Kriegenbergh Bryan leskowitz points out, "Hey, you have diamonds," gesturing to von Kriegenbergh’s [Ad].

The flop is red, but does not bring any diamonds as it falls [Jh9h3h], not only keeping Woods out front, but giving him a heart draw as well.

"That is not good," von Kriegenbergh remarks.

The [10c] on the turn gives Woods even more outs, as he picks up an open-ended straight draw.  The river pairs the board with the [Jc] and Woods’ queens hold to knock out both von Kriegenbergh and the other player to take the pot.

Barry Woods – 37,500
Taylor von Kriegenbergh – eliminated

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