Michael Kelly Eliminated by Andy Black

Jan 6, 2012

Michael Kelly moves his last 3,700 into the mixer from first position and both Andy Black and Ross Boatman make the call. The dealer lays [Jh] [9d] [6d] onto the flop and Boatman checks to Black out of the big blind. Black bets 6,500, Boatman makes the call and the dealer gives us the [6c] which is checked through. The final card is the [4s] and once checked to, Black bets 6,500 to get rid of Boatman and we have a showdown. Kelly turns over [5d] [5h] for two pair but Black turns over [Kd] [Jd] for a better two pair eliminating Kelly in the process.

Black ~ 120,000
Boatman ~ 68,000
Kelly ~ is a Goner

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