Dimitry Stelmak Eliminated in 8th Place (€66,665)

Sep 9, 2011

WPT Paris Day 4

The action folds arounf to Dimitry Stelmak in the cutoff and he makes it 35,000 to play. The remaining players fold up to the big blind where Dori Yacoub is seated. He asks how many chips Stelmak has behind and he says "around 300" and Yacoub moves all in.

"I call, " says Stelmak with a slight shrug of his shoulder and he tables [AcQh]. Yacoub has him dominated with [AhKs] and the dealer gets to work putting the community cards onto the felt.

Flop: [5d4s5h] – No help for Stelmak.

Turn: [Kh] – The king on the turn locks up the hand for Yacoub

River: [4c]

Stelmak exits the tournament area and we are one elimination away from our televised final table!

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