Michael Gracz Eliminated

Nov 20, 2011

With around 18,000 in the pot and the board reading [QsJh3h], the player in the small blind checks and Michael Gracz bets 7,500 from under the gun.  Gracz’s opponent calls.

The turn brings the [8s] and the player in the small blind checks again.  Gracz bets 19,000, leaving himself around 15,000 behind.  The other player moves all-in for an additional 20,900.  Gracz thinks about it a minute before calling all-in with [10d10s] for a pair of tens and a gutshot.  His opponent holds [AhQd] for top pair.

The river brings the [6c] and the pair of queens hold to eliminate Gracz.

Michael Gracz – eliminated 

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