Johannes Korsar Eliminated in 3rd Place (€48,500)

Jul 21, 2011

WPT Slovenia Final Table
Johannes Korsar’s comeback was short lived and he now finds himself watching the tournament from the sidelines, albeit with €48,500 in his back pocket.

Korsar opened the betting with a raise to 50,000 on the button, Miha Travnik folded in the small blind but Korsar’s nemesis Vincenzo Natale three-bet to 127,000. With the action back on Korsar he moved all in for 600,000 in total and was called by the Italian.

Korsar: [4d4s]
Natale: [KcJc]

The flop came down [3hKd2c] putting Natale well into the lead and when the turn was the [Qc] Korsar was drawing to just one out as the [4c] would have given Natale a flush. He need not worry about this however as the river was the [9d]  sending the Swede the rail and taking us to the heads up stage of the WPT Slovenia Main Event.

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