Cohen Wins 10-minute Long Hand

Jul 20, 2011

Hugh Cohen has just won a pot of over 100,000 though it cost him 10 minutes worth of his time.

Florin Pandilica opened from under the gun to 16,000 and the action folded around to Cohen in the cutoff who made it 39,000 to play. After much deliberation, and we mean much, Pandilica called.

Flop: [Qd7d6c] – Both players checked

Turn: [Ac] – Again, both players checked

River: [Ah] – Pandilica checked, Cohen quickly bet 33,000 and Pandilica went so deep into the tank I do not think he could find the surface again. Six entire minutes passed before he made the call but he mucked when he was shown [Qh10c]

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