Set Korsar For Valuetown

Jul 20, 2011

Johannes Korsar
Johannes Korsar did not get off to the best of starts today and quickly found himself down to 20 big blinds but he is now at the right end of the the chip counts and seems to be unstoppable at the moment.

Korsar open-raised from the cutoff to 9,100 and his only customer was Ilya Nikiforov on the button. The flop came down [7h8s3c] and Korsar made a continuation bet of 8,200 and was quickly called.

The turn was the [Qh] and Korsar saw no need to slow down, instead he upped the ante and bet 15,300 and again Nikiforv called rather quickly. The dealer put out the [4d] out on the river and Korsar bet 34,000 chips, which caused the heavily tattooed Nikiforov to first rock back in his chair  and then sit with his hands behind his head for close to two minutes.

He finally made the call but slammed his cards into the muck when his Swedish opponent revealed [Qd9c].

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