Speranza Continues to Climb

Jul 20, 2011

Gianluca Speranza may have got lucky in a few spots during this tournament but he is also playing well and using his huge stack to good effect.

Over on Table 5 Johannes Korsar opened to 6,000 under the gun, two players folded and Speranza called. The action then folded to the blinds and both Florin Pandilica (small blind) and Bernard Vu made the call.

The flop came down [Jd4s4d] and each of the players checked. The turn was the [7c], Pandilica checked, Vu bet 12,000, Korsar folded but Speranza wanted those chips that were now in the pot. He asked Vu for a count and as soon as he had this information he raised to 26,000, essentially putting Vu all in.

Pandilica got out of the way but Vu, who is sporting the shiniest headphones I have ever seen, went into the tank. He emerged after two minutes of thinking time and folded.

Speranza now how more than half a million chips.

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