Marigliano 2 Nitsche 0

Jul 19, 2011

There is an interesting dynamic forming over on Table 2 between Dominik Nitsche and Marcello Marigliano, with the duo clashing twice in successive hands.

In the first hand John Eames opened to 3,500 from early position, Marigliano called on the button only to see Nitsche make it 11,600 to play from the big blind. Eames got out of the way but after a brief pause, Marigliano put ina  raise of his own, this one to 30,500. Nitsche winced and tossed his cards into the muck.

"Very tricky huh? If you have aces or kings just raise," said Tony G coaching his table mates.

The very next hand Marigliano open-raised to 4,000 from the cutoff and then called Nitsche’s three-bet from the small blind. The flop came down [Kc3dQc] and both players checked. The [6s] fell on the turn and Nitsche checked again and folded when Marigliano bet 8,000.

As Nitsche folded he was shown the [3h]. So far Marigliano is winning the battle between the two, it will be interesting to see how this duel develops.

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