The Pussycat Dolls

Dec 16, 2011

Roberto Romanello
(Photo: Romanello – I Eat Pussycats For Breakfast)

Michele Caroli limps under the gun and Wanny Piazza also limps into the pot one seat to his left.

"You all play like babies," says Roberto Romanello from the big blind.

When the action folds around to Romanello he pulls in his big blind and then splashes it back down again. Piazza says something in Italian that contained the word pussy and the three of them share a flop.

"Come on pussycat dolls," says Piazza.

The flop is [Ac] [Ks] [7c], Romanello checks, Caroli bets 10,000, Piazza folds and Romanello makes the call.

"Club, club, club," shouts Romanello.

The turn is the [2h] and both players check.

"Club, club, club," shouts Romanello.

The river is the [3s] and Romanello checks, Piazza bets 10,000 and Romanello clicks it back to 20,000. Piazza suddenly gets serious, peeks at his cards and folds. Meanwhile Romanello turns over the [3s].

"Whoops, I thought I had clubs," Romanello tells the pussycat dolls.

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