Wilinofsky Takes Another Scalp

Apr 13, 2012

Jozef Bartalos raises to 18,000 in the hijack of a stack of around 13BB and Ben Wilinofsky three-bets to around 51,000 in the next seat. The action folds around to Bartalos and he just makes the call.

Flop: [9s] [5h] [4s]

Bartalos moves all-in and Wilinofsky calls and we have an over pair versus the nut flush draw.

Wilinofsky: [Ts] [Td]
Bartalos: [As] [Js]

Turn: [Qc] & River: [2c]

The pair shake hands, Bartalos heads to the cash desk and Wilinofsky adjusts his new stack.

Wilinofsky ~1,180,000

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