Bendik Doubles Up At Table 7

Dec 4, 2011

Jan Bendik

Jan Bendik moves all-in for 106,000 in second position and when the action folds around to Vojtech Ruzicka in the big blind he makes the call. Ruzicka has Bendik covered when we go to showdown.

Bendik: [Jh] [Jd]
Ruzicka: [7h] [7c]

Board: [Kd] [Jc] [Th] [6d] [2s]

So Bendik moves up to 212,000 and Ruzicka has a not too shabby 1,100,000

Table 7

Nikolay Tsanev – 100,000
Tobias Reinkemeier – 225,000
Andras Barabas – 450,000
Neil Lusmer – 500,000
Nir Ben Yakir – 150,000
Agris Klaise – 715,000
Vojtech Ruzicka – 1,100,000
Basil Yaiche – 120,000
Jan Bendik – 212,000

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