Houssam Doubles Up Through Martinov

Nov 27, 2011

WPT Marrakech Final Table
Arnaud Mattern raises to 100,000 on the button, Mohmed Ali Houssam three-bets to 210,000 in the small blind and Maksim Martinov moves all-in for 3 million in the big blind. Arnaud Mattern folds and Houssam has the easiest call of his life.

Houssam – [As] [Ad]
Martinov – [9d] [9c]

Board: [8d] [7s] [4d] [3s] [Kd]

The crowd goes crazy and Houssam is up to 2.4 million whereas the yo-yo life of Martinov continues, he now has 1,500,000

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