Nice Pot For Lombard

Nov 1, 2011

Joris Digregorio raises to 250 under the gun (his third consecutive raise), Luke Fields calls on the button and so does Yannick Lombard in the small blind. The flop was [9s] [9h] [5s] and Lombard checks to the aggressive Digregorio who bets 500. Action onto the online qualifier, Fields, and he makes the call before Lombard check-raises to 1,625. Digregorio makes the very quick call as does Fields.

This pot was getting interesting and the dealer gave us the [5d] on the turn. With nines and fives everywhere all three players check and we see the final card and it is the [Ad]. Lombard fires out a bet of 3,500 and both players fold.

Lombard: 36,000
Fields: 38,000

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